DT Asia 企業IT安全解決方案概述

DT Asia 企業IT安全解決方案概述

*****OneIdentity Syslog-Store Box – 集中日誌收集和管理解決方案

syslog-ng Store Box™(SSB)是一種高性能,高可靠性的日誌管理設備,它建立基於syslog-ng Premium Edition的優勢。使用SSB,您可以搜索日誌,透過細粒度資料存取策略保護敏感信息,提供報表以證明合規性並將日誌數據轉發到第三方分析工具。通過利用syslog-ng日誌處理和過濾功能,您可以通過減少數量並提高SIEM數據的質量來提高SIEM解決方案的性能。

syslog-ng Store Box™(SSB)主要特點:

– 收集和索引

– 搜索和報告

– 存儲和轉發

– 保障日誌數據安全


***** Fidelis網絡安全:威脅檢測和反應解決方案 ( Not for China Market )

Fidelis Network:

識別威脅和數據泄漏需要對所有形式的內容進行深入檢查和分析,包括解壓縮和提取深層嵌入的文件。 Fidelis Network可以雙向掃描所有網絡流量,無論任何端口或協議,都可以顯示網絡和應用程序協議,文件和內容。

通過進行實時網絡分析並識別indicate compromises的行為,Fidelis Network為主動發現攻擊者,可疑主機和惡意軟件提供自動檢測。


Fidelis Network利用我們業界最佳的內容解碼和檢測引擎檢測並防止數據被盜。充分了解滲透嘗試並確保您的敏感數據安全。

Fidelis Endpoint:

Fidelis Endpoint提供對所有端點活動的可見性,包括進程操作,登錄用戶,註冊表寫入,文件系統活動和內存。通過應用Fidelis了解威脅情報,自定義警報規則,YARA和OpenIOC格式來分析,警報和收集系統事件,從而檢測威脅。無論端點是在網絡上還是離線,Fidelis的可見性始終處於開啟狀態。

通過執行系統附帶的任務或為您的環境自定義的任務,自動響應任何檢測。響應任務包括端點隔離,創建和使用還原點,進程終止和文件刪除。您還可以快速啟動調查,包括內存分析,漏洞掃描和系統清單。通過與Fidelis Elevate整合,對網絡中檢測到的威脅執行響應操作。

Fidelis Endpoint可以通過Fidelis AV進行增強,因此您可以準確了解威脅的來源。 Fidelis AV提供傳統的簽證和基於啟發式的檢測以及端點上的威脅防護。進程掃描允許用戶通過雜湊或使用易於創建的YARA規則來阻止進程的執行。







*****SSH CryptoAuditor和PrivX – 具有零密碼安全性的特權存取管理


CRA是一種易於實施的特權存取管理(PAM)解決方案,允許您查看,控制和記錄加密特權會話中發生的事件到您的公司資源。它可用於監視和控制來自第三方存取系統的加密安全連接,還可以對特權用戶或PCI DSS,HIPAA,SOX等合規性強制執行公司安全策略。通常它可以在幾小時內部署並且不需要代理,它不會改變您的IT基礎架構並且可以輕松地與其他系統整合。與市場上的其他競爭對手相比,CRA不是基於jump-host的,而是集中管理的解決方案。這使CRA能夠靈活地監控網絡的所有角落,而不僅僅是基於特定的主機。


SSH PrivX是基於瀏覽器的PAM解決方案。目標服務器上沒有軟件。沒有代理程式。桌機上沒有軟件。沒有密碼。沒有輪換。沒有密碼庫。




*****GoAnywhere可控文件傳輸 – 安全,經濟和可擴展

GoAnywhere MFT是一種企業級解決方案,可為各種規模的組織保護,自動化和簡化文件傳輸。該可控文件傳輸解決方案可部署在專屬,雲端或混合環境中,可幫助組織輕鬆實現法規遵從性,提高數據安全性並簡化手動流程。

GoAnywhere MFT允許用戶快速自動執行文件傳輸,並使用其內置排程程序或現有排程程序軟件安排項目運行。只要文件監視器檢測到目標文件夾中的新文件,已修改文件或已刪除文件,項目也可以自動執行。

使用GoAnywhere Gateway,您可以在私人/內部網絡中安全地保留文件共享服務(例如FTPS / s,SFTP,HTTPS服務器)和文檔。不需要在DMZ中存儲敏感數據。 GoAnywhere Gateway中的反向代理功能允許您將入站端口保持關閉到您的專用網絡,這對於遵守PCI DSS,HIPAA,HITECH,SOX,ISO 27000和GLBA至關重要。出於安全目的,轉發代理功能還會隱藏內部系統的本體和位置。





**** RCDevs – 企業多重認證安全解決方案




-沒有SaaS / Cloud,也沒有與任何外部服務的連接




– Advanced redundancy和具有Active-Active叢集的HA





***** KnowBe4 – 安全意識培訓解決方案

KnowBe4是一種安全意識培訓和網絡釣魚平台,通過培訓員工成為最後一道防線來增強組織的網絡安全性。它旨在通過對用戶進行培訓,對其進行網絡釣魚並查看結果的周期性過程來緩解社會工程威脅的持續問題。通過與當前Active – Directory同步,可以輕松地導入所有用戶。使用合法的網絡釣魚電子郵件模板,可以通過徽標對用戶進行網絡釣魚,可以調整難度級別以適應用戶對網絡釣魚的了解。使用培訓模塊教育您的用戶隨時可用,涵蓋廣泛的主題。這些都可以通過簡單且用戶友好的圖形用戶界面輕松完成。只需點擊幾下即可跟蹤組織和個人的進度。


*****WebArgus -網頁竄改檢測和恢復解決方案

WebArgus是一個網頁竄改檢測和恢復系統。 與市場上其他類似的防止網頁竄改產品相反,WebArgus提供24/7監控,即時恢復,並能夠抵禦針對受監控文件和目錄的零日攻擊。




*****Proton T-4 NSA批準的Degausser是為未來準備就緒的

Proton T-4採用專有的反極性技術,可產生40,000高斯分佈,+ 20,000高斯和-20,000高斯(雙向)。該消磁器是第一個在市場上創造最高場飽和度的消磁器。

其獨有的技術使Proton T-4的未來成為可能,因為它能夠對使用SMR技術(4TB及以上)構建的硬盤進行消磁。因此,不需要翻轉介質來完成消磁過程。

到現在為止,質子T-4在技術上一直在不斷改進。這是因為其獲得專利的反極性,它創造了當今任何消磁器的最高雙向消磁場強度,使其成為具有最有效消磁操作的最強消磁器。此外,Proton T-4繼續滿足NSA的嚴格要求,年復一年地保持在NSA / CSS EPL清單上。因此,Proton T-4 NSA認證的Degausser是每個數據中心和政府機構的首選!





WipeDrive適用於任何組織,因為它符合NIAP EAL4 +認證。此外,每次激活都是安全的,並提供報告,也可以遠程清除計算機。

Secure Wipe Singapore

Why wipe your storage device?

secure-wipeWhat happens to all the personal documents, pictures, private emails, programs, passwords, credit card details, etc that are on it?

These days, where just your name, address and date of birth are enough for someone to pretend to be you, what do you do with your old computer?

These days, where thieves regularly buy used hard drives on ebay and find for free at recycling centers and garbage dumps, what do you do?

Well, obviously you delete everything, but how?

Just delete the files? What exact files? Windows keeps all sorts of internal records everywhere!

With free forensic software your deleted files can be undeleted and a lot of information you probably never knew was on there can be found!

Secure Erase or secure wipe is the name given to a set of commands available from the firmware on PATA and SATA based hard drives.

Why Secure Wipe?

Why might you want to want to wipe a disk instead of just deleting individual files, messages, and so on? The main reason is what can happen if a device is seized. Forensic inspection of a seized device with special software tools can recover significant amounts of deleted information and references to individual files and software that have previously been removed. Wiping your disk entirely is a valuable means of protecting data against such a forensic examination, and also not having to make individual decisions about whether to erase particular things.

It’s also important if you want to make sure photos or videos are truly deleted from a camera or phone’s SD card, since these devices rarely delete media securely.

A laptop can wipe its own hard drive, or removable storage media like USB drives or SD cards, by overwriting the contents. One method of doing this is formatting the storage medium, but note that this term is applied to two very different processes. Only full formatting with overwriting (also called “secure formatting”) actually erases the hard drive by overwriting data. “Quick format” does not do so, and is thus less secure. Formatting tools let you choose between a quick format and a secure overwriting format. For data destruction, always choose a secure overwriting format.1

You should already have built-in tools that can perform a full overwriting format or wipe a hard drive, or you may download third-party tools to do this. Below are some steps you can take with major computer operating systems to wipe your devices or removable media. Keep in mind that after wiping a hard drive, you may need to reinstall the operating system before you can use the device again.

One consideration when wiping computer media is the limited ability to delete data on solid-state drives (SSDs) ubiquitous in modern computers, including flash-based removable media as well as internal SSD hard drives. Because of a technology called wear leveling, overwriting may not reliably delete these kinds of storage media in full. This technology tries to spread out where things are stored to prevent any one part of the storage medium from being used more than another part. Researchers have shown that overwriting a single file on an SSD often doesn’t destroy that file’s contents; even after the entire device has been overwritten, wear leveling may leave a small random portion of the data on these media in a recoverable form. There are software vendors that promise to securely delete SSDs, but it is still not clear to us whether this can be done reliably to make the information completely unrecoverable. Encrypting your SSD may be the best way to prevent access to the information on the drive.

Once a hard drive has been erased with a program that utilizes Secure Erase firmware commands, no file recovery program, partition recovery program, or other data recovery method will be able to extract data from the drive.

Note: Secure Erase, or really any data sanitization method, is not the same as sending files to your computer’s Recycle Bin or trash. The former will “permanently” delete files, whereas the latter only moves the data to a location that’s easy to flush away from the system (and just as easy to recover). You can read more about data wipe methods through that data sanitization link above.

Since Secure Erase is a whole-drive data sanitization method only, it is not available as a data wipe method when destroying individual files or folders, something tools called file shredders can do. See our Free File Shredder Software Programs list for programs like that.

Using Secure Erase to erase the data from a hard drive is often considered the best way to do so because the action is accomplished from the drive itself, the same hardware that wrote the data in the first place.

 Other methods of removing data from a hard drive may be less effective because they rely on more standard ways of overwriting data.
 According to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the only method of software-based data sanitation must be one that utilizes a hard drive’s Secure Erase commands.


Wipedrive is world’s Only EAL4+ Common Criteria Disk Wiping Software

What is WipeDrive?

WipeDrive is the world leader in secure data destruction. It allows corporations and government entities to permanently and securely erase data from hard drives, removable media and mobile devices, providing a secure, cost-effective, and environmentally responsible way of recycling and retiring computer storage.

Wipe SSDs (Solid State Drives)

Need to wipe solid state drives? Since 2011, WipeDrive has been a market leader in comprehensively wiping SSD drives by removing security freeze locks to ensure there are no hidden or locked areas of the drive that are missed. Erasing SSDs is a priority for many companies because they retain their value better than traditional platter hard drives allowing them to re-coupe part of their cost or re-use the drives internally. WipeDrive can wipe any SSD drive that is free from manufacturer defects.

DTA (DT Asia) is a major provider of degaussing and disintegrating machines. Our NSA approved Degaussers and Disintegrators for Secure Electronic Data Destruction is well-known in Singapore, Japan and Hong Kong. The solutions are various for every need of Data destruction:


DTA offers best Secure Wipe Singapore, Secure Wipe Hong Kong and Secure Wipe Japan with Wipedrive Solution.

Please contact us for more information and quotation.

Enterprise Security Solutions

Enterprise Security Solutions

Enterprise Fraud Management

Enterprise Fraud Management (EFM) is a solution for detection of any suspicious activity or fraud incident in the Enterprise environment.

SSH Communication Security

SSH Communication Security providing an overall coverage for secure access communication on a network. This include monitoring, auditing, and controlling access of the communication.

User Activity Auditing & Monitoring

Keep track of the administrator or end user activity from a centralize management. It also covers user access to remote servers, virtual desktops, or networking devices, and records these activities

Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) Detection

APT detection is a live memory analysis that detects and analyzes threats on compromised endpoints. Contrary to the antivirus or IDS approach of matching suspected malware or traffic patterns with known malware signatures, the live memory analysis agent gives the analyst a view from a centralized console of what is happening inside the computer’s memory. This view can quickly expose a malware infection, regardless of whether a signature exists or not.

Network Access Control

Network Access Control (NAC) provides a network with the mandatory extra layer of protection for all existing security policies. It allows the Network Administrator to configure access parameters for the physical network ports and determine which devices are allowed access. It is an approach to computer network security that attempts to unify endpoint security technology (such as antivirus, host intrusion prevention, and vulnerability assessment), user or system authentication and network security enforcement.

DB Security

A Unified Database Solution including: Security, Caching, Auditing and Masking. The solution features a high-availability configuration to ensure business continuity. It has a broad range of security controls to protect databases (potentially including the data, the database applications or stored functions, the database systems, the database servers and the associated network links) against compromises of their confidentiality, integrity and availability.

Endpoint Security.

The End Point Data Protection Suite delivers complete visibility, control, and protection of enterprise endpoints. It provides a comprehensive data protection solution in a single product, with a single management server and a single, lightweight agent.